Ghana-Austria Relations

Ghana and Austria have enjoyed close and friendly bilateral relations. Both countries have taken steps to enhance and deepen this relationship even more in recent years. 

 More recently, President Nana Akufo-Addo took part in both the High-Level Forum Africa-Europe in 2018 as well as the R20 Austria World Summit in 2019, both held in Vienna. These saw President Akufo-Addo hold bilateral talks with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen.


In 2010, the former President of the National Council of the Austrian Parliament Ms. Barbara Prammer paid an official visit to Ghana. Ms. Prammer held several key meetings with then Ghana President Mills and Foreign Minister Mumuni. 

That was the highest-ranking visit from Austria to Ghana and it coincided with the centenary of the Ghana’s first President Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

Trade between Ghana and Austria have grown in recent years. 2018 saw both countries’ trade volume amount to 40 million euros. Ghana is a major exporter of cocoa beans to Austria and imports machinery.

In January 2015, Ghana and Austria signed a bilateral agreement for officers of the Austrian Armed Forces to hold courses on humanitarian assistance for political advisors at the Kofi Annan International Peace Training Centre in Accra as part of Austria’s co-operation with Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

The NGO’s have made significant contributions to several development projects in Ghana.